Parish Council Approach to Planning & Enforcement
The whole of the Parish of Wanborough is within the Green Belt, with most of it in either the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) or the Area of Great landscape Value (AGLV), and the village itself being in a Conservation Area. The fields around Wanborough are subject to an Article 4 Direction.
1. The Parish Council will consider each application on its merits and objectively, before making a recommendation to Guildford Borough Council.
2. In the first place, the Parish Council will consider Applications against the National Planning Policy Framework (NPFF 2019) and the Guildford Local Plan (2015-34) as, between them, these documents provide clear guidelines as to what is permitted within the Green Belt, the AONB and the AGLV.
3. In addition, thought will be given to material considerations, including such things as previous appeal decisions, traffic generation & overall highway safety, loss of light, noise and disturbance resulting from use, loss of trees and nature conservation, effects on listed buildings and the Conservation Area, size, layout and design of the development.
4. Retrospective applications are not looked upon favourably
It is important that the interests of residents are protected from the harmful effects of unauthorised development. The Borough Council has a duty to investigate alleged breaches of planning control and has powers to remedy proven breaches which are taken very seriously. It is the Borough Council's policy to exercise powers appropriately and rigorously so that development takes place in accordance with the appropriate legislation or the planning conditions and limitations imposed on any planning permission.
1. The Parish Council will report any identified alleged or apparent unauthorised development within the Parish to the Enforcement Team. Residents are encouraged to also take this approach whilst letting the Parish Council Clerk know.
2. The Article 4 Direction removes 'Permitted Development' from the fields around Wanborough. Residents who become aware of any development in the fields, should either report this direct to the Enforcement Team or let the Parish Council know. Any such development will immediately be reported by the Parish Council to Enforcement, who have demonstrated a willingness to take quick action.
3. Where it is safe to do so, the Parish Council recommends taking a couple of pictures to upload onto the Enforcement Report Form.