To view details or to comment on any application, click on the 'GBC Link' at the end of the brief description.
Current Planning Applications
25/P/00023| Location: Date: 14 January 2025 Touchwood House, Puttenham Hill, Puttenham, Guildford, GU3 1AH Registered GBC link
25/P/00007| Manor Farm House, Wanborough Hill, Wanborough, Guildford, GU3 2JR Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed development to establish whether replacement of defective windows and doors with new 'heritage' windows and doors of similar appearance to the existing would be lawful Registered GBC link
24/P/01411| Clear Barn The Heath Puttenham. GU3 1AL Application for the change of use of the existing agricultural field for dog walking and free running dog exercise area with associated, parking, field shelters and stock fencing. Registered GBC link
24/P/00441| Land west of Blackwell Farm, Hogs Back, Guildford, GU3 Proposal: The installation of a solar facility comprising ground mounted infrastructure including inverters, transformers, a GRP switchgear enclosure, fencing, infrared cameras, motion detection system, underground cable connections, export cable, access works including new tracks, landscape planting and other ancillary development Registered GBC link
24/T/00310| Location: Proposal: Contact : Land South of B3000, Puttenham Heath Road, Compton Registered GBC link
​24/P/01588| C of Lawfulness for Proposed Use GU3 2JL Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate (proposed) for the erection of a single storey rear extension. Registered GBC link
24/P/01138| Manor Farm House, Wanborough Hill, Wanborough, Guildford, GU3 2JR
Proposal Replace deteriorated and draughty single-paned wooden casement windows with equivalent modern heritage wood-effect PVC windows. Registered GBC link