The fields around Wanborough
No permitted development at all
Guildford Borough Council has made an Article 4 Direction on the fields around Wanborough which has removed permitted development rights and brought minor changes under planning control so that properly considered and informed judgments can be made.
This is to ensure that any work will not detrimentally affect the character of the Conservation Area. The aim is to manage change to ensure that appropriate development can happen but avoid it from harming the special qualities of the area.
Green Belt, AONB & AGLV mean massive development limitations
All of the fields are within the Green Belt which has national restrictions on development. A large swathe of the fields are within The Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) which involves even greater restrictions, Even the sections of Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) impose major limitations on development.
Activity refused - even on appeal
Equestrian development (including stabling and grazing), wooden buildings, Barns, poly-tunnels, fencing, a tree nursery, hard standing and other development have all been refused planning permission, some on appeal.